Spring, summer and autumn are great times to enjoy your patio and garden. Over the years, patio areas can become dirty with a build-up of surface growth including algae, grit and weeds. Our latest patio cleaning pressure washing technology and eco-friendly cleaning solutions can transform your outdoor area in no time.
We specialise in all types of patio cleaning, from a general freshen up to a heavy duty clean, depending on your property needs. We work with a range of materials, block paving, concrete, Indian sandstone, tiles and porcelain.
Our full service includes a deep pressure clean, rinse, sand and seal. We can offer specialised sealing solutions to prevent future build ups.

Does your patio have any stubborn stains?
- Clean, Sand and Seal
- Clean, Point and Seal
- Can process a large volume of water
- Heats the water
- Mixes just the right solution for the job
- Delivers a fantastic cleaning result

“What a fantastic company! They turned up yesterday at 8.30 and cleaned, pointed and sealed a patio which I believed was beyond saving. Nothing was too much trouble and we now have a patio which will last a few more years. Before you get rid of your old patio, give these boys a call and save yourself a load of money. Highly recommended.”
Martin, Royston
Top Tip
Keep your patio in top condition by regularly brushing it throughout the year. This will help to prevent crushed leaves building up and causing stubborn discolouration stains.
- Clean, Sand and Seal
- Clean, Point and Seal
- Can process a large volume of water
- Heats the water
- Mixes just the right solution for the job
- Delivers a fantastic cleaning result

“What a fantastic company! They turned up yesterday at 8.30 and cleaned, pointed and sealed a patio which I believed was beyond saving. Nothing was too much trouble and we now have a patio which will last a few more years. Before you get rid of your old patio, give these boys a call and save yourself a load of money. Highly recommended.”
Martin, Royston
Top Tip
Keep your patio in top condition by regularly brushing it throughout the year. This will help to prevent crushed leaves building up and causing stubborn discolouration stains.